I'm sure most of you are okay with it, but if you're just gonna bitch about hentai, please don't comment... even though I'm sure you will.
Okay guys, just got word from my school that we have Monday through Thursday off. So, seeing as I didn't make any plans for this week, might as well make anothe quiz, right? So tell me, what do you guys want it to be on? I would rather not have it on anime, but if you guys want it that bad, I'll do it. So here's the deal; when you review, just cast your vote.
[0] Anime hentai with anime questions
[0] Anime hentai with different topics per anime
[3] Random hentai (organized by theme and type) with on-topic questions
[0] Other (please specify)
Anime Hentai with common sense questions please. Like questions you would learn in your early years that are kinda tricky.
Like what, grade school questions?